Friday, April 30, 2010

The marks on your face

Katia Grigsby Photography 2009 © All Rights Reserved

The marks on your face are pathways where I across my nights.
I hold you and is like if I had hold myself.
And then my body is marked forever by yours.
If I can, I will take your hands into mine, and there, between the lines, I will build a home for my desires.
I will stay there, listening to all the songs you will play for me.
If I can, I will stay there, between your hands, and abandon myself  in silence, perfect silence, looking at your smile.
If I can I will smell you and wonder in which moment you got my heart, in which touch I lost myself, what make me stay... If I can.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Birthdays are weird. Most of the times I forgot mine, until the flowers start to surprise me, distant and dear friends make their phone calls, cards arrive to my front door and emails pop-in on my mailbox. I suddenly realize another year has gone by and almost as a ritual I force myself to look back and make an inventory of the past year.

Most people do this at New Years, but seriously, is it new for whom? My birthday is my new years, my rebirth: the chance to start fresh and celebrate life and who I am. To make plans; build castles in the clouds, dream new dreams. To close the doors to the things I don’t want in my life anymore, and open the windows to new perspectives. 

I don’t regret the mistakes, and don’t expect get the things right, I honor the messiness in my life: it means that I am still searching; keep moving! 

And that is all I can ask for: the gift of an unconformable mind and the fire from inside. 

I am not getting older, I am getting better!!!

Happy Birthday to me! 


San Marcos, CA 04/29/10

Katia Grigsby Photography 2010 © All Rights Reserved
“…Eu quero ser onde voce sossega a alma, e chora e ri, e encontra a calma para sonhar sem dormir. Vem acender as luzes que iluminam o meu coracao. Vem ter comigo sua parte da amplidao.” Elba Ramalho by Chico Cesar

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Katia Grigsby Photography 2011 © All Rights Reserved
A saudade e um muro imenso. Um filme noir que meus olhos querem ver colorido. A saudade assalta, desasossega, tira o sono e me faz beber champagne, escutar Etta James e fumar muito. A saudade me deixa de ressaca, desarruma os livros da estante buscando por poesia. A saudade e poderosa, arrasta as horas,  mas nao vai me vencer. Amanha passa.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Amor Perfeito

Katia Grigsby Photography 2010 © All Rights Reserved
Andei pensando no amor perfeito.
Amor perfeito e aquele que nao teve tempo de azedar: partiu um dia sem promessa de voltar e deixou na boca o gosto do ultimo beijo que dura quase o tempo da eternidade.
O amor perfeito nem diz adeus, apenas vai.
As vezes volta num dia de sol quando lembramos das risadas inconsequentes ou numa noite de chuva quando sentimos frio.
Tive alguns amores perfeitos que se perderam pela vida mas nunca deixaram meu coracao.
Nao causam dor, antes acalentam a alma.
Amor perfeito enche o dia, traz brilho para o olhar e vontade de amar de novo.
Photo by the author. Previn, France