Saturday, March 19, 2011

Let’s be jazzy… Oh Evangeline

I am excited with my upcoming trip to New Orleans. The niche of the American south where Europeans traditions mix up with the Caribbean influences creating a swing and colorful atmosphere.

Its rich architecture of French accents pairs like a good wine with the spicy African Creole and Haitian cuisine.

Three centuries ago when Sieur de LaSalle was exploring the Mississippi he claimed all lands drained by the river for France. In 1718 on the junction of the Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico, Sieur de Bienville founded the port city named La Nouvelle Orleans. The city was named after Philippe, Duc D’Orleans and built around the Jackson Square in the area that we now know as French Quarter or Vieux Carre.

In 1762 King Louis XV gave Louisiana to his cousin Charles III, King of Spain. Louisiana remained under Spanish domain until 1800. In 1803 again in French hands was sold to the United States by Napoleon.

Americans arrived in great number, but unwelcome in the Creole enclave they settled across Canal Street, now know as the Central Business District. In the mid 1800s New Orleans was the fourth largest city in the US and shined with the Parisian couture, great restaurants and European, sophisticated culture.

As if it is not enough, New Orleans is the birthplace of Jazz. That says it all…

Stay tuned for the pictures and stories I will share with you under the moonlight with sweet olive scents and café broiling aflame coming from the French open doors. I am sure you will hear the laughter, the cork popping… Laissez le bons temps rouler!!!

Katia Grigsby 2011 © All Rights Reserved 

Robert Grigsby Photography 2002 © All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Katia Grigsby Photography 2010 © All Rights Reserved

Whatever life gives me I take it.
I open my wings and fly to the land of my desires.
That’s my survivor way;
My path to sanity or craziness
Depending on the mood.
I can plant my garden wherever I want:
It’s good to be free and my own master.

Katia Grigsby 2011 © All Rights Reserved
San Marcos, 03.13.11 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Por Que Eu???

Porque tenho assim essa furia descabida
Que por vezes nao cabe em mim
A ansia de ver e viver tudo que a vida
Descaradamente me reserva?

Porque a dor doi em mim mais profunda
Quando deveria ser rasa e superficial?
Porque o amor me visita invariavelmente
Silencioso e  densamente
Quando deveria me buscar suave e lentamente?

Porque tenho em mim esses ritmos
Inexplicaveis e precisos
Qual batida de coracao indeciso?

Katia Grigsby Photography 2008 © All Rights Reserved
Por que eu? Nessa bruma, nevoeiro nefasto…
Porque eu buscando o sol
em noite de lua cheia?
Porque a incongruencia?

Talvez porque o inexplicavel nao se explica
E o destino se cumpre por si so…
O anos vividos nao garantem certezas
E tola seria acreditar que elas existem…

Entao resisto e reafirmo que sou o que sou;
Ame me voce ou odei o que represento
Nao peco desculpas por ser quem sou…

Katia Grigsby © All Rights Reserved 
Solana Beach, Ca  12/04/08


A  amiga pediu o poema e ele foi se formando
na lembranca das risadas que rimos, das aventuras improvisadas;
Fugindo de palestinos numa rua de Jerusalem.
E comecei  escrever ouvindo a mesma  musica que perseguimos numa praia em Tel-Aviv, ha muitos seculos atras...
A vida hoje tem o mesmo gosto doce e forte daquele café que tomamos a caminho de Veneza.
Eu continuo a mesma pessoa desmedida, sem meio termo
mas as vezes nao sei como me definir, por isso vou vivendo sem rotulos, abracando o que o dia me traz.
Nao preciso de muito, nunca precisei:
quero apenas o dia de hoje, e com ele faco o meu circo ou o meu templo.
Me espanta que voce  me ache especial,
Eu penso de mim mesma que sou banal.
Adoro cozinhar e dormir no meio da tarde,
deixei de beber as bebidas amargas e agora so quero as que sao doces…
Sou dramatica e pratica - ainda que as duas coisas nao convivam muito bem juntas, por isso estao sempre brigando dentro de mim.
E gosto de partir, estou sempre indo...
Mas um dia voltarei a Tel-Aviv,
Esta ai o teu poema, e o que sou neste momento.
Katia Grigsby © All Rights Reserved
San Marcos, CA 05/03/09

Katia Grigsby Photography 1996 © All Rights Reserved

Friday, April 30, 2010

The marks on your face

Katia Grigsby Photography 2009 © All Rights Reserved

The marks on your face are pathways where I across my nights.
I hold you and is like if I had hold myself.
And then my body is marked forever by yours.
If I can, I will take your hands into mine, and there, between the lines, I will build a home for my desires.
I will stay there, listening to all the songs you will play for me.
If I can, I will stay there, between your hands, and abandon myself  in silence, perfect silence, looking at your smile.
If I can I will smell you and wonder in which moment you got my heart, in which touch I lost myself, what make me stay... If I can.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Birthdays are weird. Most of the times I forgot mine, until the flowers start to surprise me, distant and dear friends make their phone calls, cards arrive to my front door and emails pop-in on my mailbox. I suddenly realize another year has gone by and almost as a ritual I force myself to look back and make an inventory of the past year.

Most people do this at New Years, but seriously, is it new for whom? My birthday is my new years, my rebirth: the chance to start fresh and celebrate life and who I am. To make plans; build castles in the clouds, dream new dreams. To close the doors to the things I don’t want in my life anymore, and open the windows to new perspectives. 

I don’t regret the mistakes, and don’t expect get the things right, I honor the messiness in my life: it means that I am still searching; keep moving! 

And that is all I can ask for: the gift of an unconformable mind and the fire from inside. 

I am not getting older, I am getting better!!!

Happy Birthday to me! 


San Marcos, CA 04/29/10

Katia Grigsby Photography 2010 © All Rights Reserved
“…Eu quero ser onde voce sossega a alma, e chora e ri, e encontra a calma para sonhar sem dormir. Vem acender as luzes que iluminam o meu coracao. Vem ter comigo sua parte da amplidao.” Elba Ramalho by Chico Cesar

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Katia Grigsby Photography 2011 © All Rights Reserved
A saudade e um muro imenso. Um filme noir que meus olhos querem ver colorido. A saudade assalta, desasossega, tira o sono e me faz beber champagne, escutar Etta James e fumar muito. A saudade me deixa de ressaca, desarruma os livros da estante buscando por poesia. A saudade e poderosa, arrasta as horas,  mas nao vai me vencer. Amanha passa.